BLO-AIR 52''

Ventilation, Recirculation Fans


The Blo-Air is a recirculating fan particularly suitable for the ventilation of hot spots which require additional air flow.

To maintain a stable comfort zone in your barn, air is moved over your cows.
Often combined with other products to maximize cooling, Blo-Air will delight your pets and employees, improve litter condition - and what's more, it's discreet!

Characteristics :

  • Envelopped in sturdy fiberglass and fitted with strong louvers
  • The Blo Air is versatile and easy to install
  • It can be installed on an existing column or beam, or suspended
  • He is silent

Goodbye heat stress! The Blo-Air will contribute to the well-being of your animals by providing them with a constant flow of air.

Immediate benefits that you will notice upon installation!

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