Ad-Lib lactation feeders for sows

Pig equipment, Farrowing and nursery , Feeding


The Ad-Lib feeder allows lactating sows to self-feed as much as the daily ration schedule allows.

  • The system allows pig farmers to better manage their suckling sows, while maximizing both piglet growth, while helping the sow maintain their milk production for the next litter.
  • This dispenser offers the unique ability to deliver a combination of dry food and extra water.

The feeder can be filled manually or automatically using a feed transport system.

  • The concept of dosed feeding forces sows to work to get the feed they want.
  • The system is designed to reduce waste from hyperactive or playful sows.
  • Only three components and one moving part, reducing service problems.
  • Simple installation, as the diameter of the distributor body is less than 3 inches (76 mm).
  • The design allows water to be in the bowl with the Ad-Lib feeder without moisture getting into the mouth.

The Ad-Lib model also available for mash feed.
An economical solution to maximize feed consumption and milk production.

Site Jolco chez Lely